Sevilla was a fun city. We arrived on a Sunday and were staying next to one of the biggest squares in the city. It was completely full! Kids running around wearing soccer uniforms, parents drinking at the restaurants and cafes, people playing music, everywhere we looked it was people having a good time. After we dropped off our bags we walked around to try and find somewhere to grab some food and a drink but few places had open seats and even fewer had open kitchens.

Over all the food in Spain wasn’t that great. The tapas and pinchos were excellent and paired perfectly with a cold beer, but the rest of the meals were mediocre at best. Either we were at all the wrong places or our budget didn’t allow us to have any good food.

There were plenty of churches to see throughout the city, and we couldn’t make it to all of them. We went to the top of the Parasol which is a pretty cool structure. From the top you have a view of the entire city. The Alcazar Palace was also very beautiful. Although it didn’t compare to The Alhambra palace it was still worth seeing. The stone work is absolutely breathtaking.